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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Liver and gallstones detox programme

The liver and gallstones detox in currently all rage amongst the health aficionadoes in Malaysia. I have myself has been asked for the recipes so many times and sold 10s of cartons of organic apple juice since.

Friends who finally done after delaying for some times are now feeling and looking better than before.

This is a great detox for those who has gallstones, or constantly feeling tired due to an overwork liver, stomach bloatiness etc. I have done the cheaper alternative traditional alternative using molasses, lemon juice and all, as well as using a premix package that omitted lots of liver oil which I had(eew!)

Ok, below is the recipe for those who are interested:

排肝毒和排膽石的療程 Liver detox & gallstones flush

This is a combination of both liver detox and gallstones flush programmes.

排肝毒 Liver Detox 10 days(10天療程)

溫開水──3/4杯 Warm water 3/4 glass‧
糖蜜(molasses)──1湯匙 tablespoon
檸檬汁 Organic pure lemon juice──2湯匙 tablespoon
紅椒粉(cayenne pepper)──1/4茶匙 teaspoon
橄欖油(olive oil)──1茶匙tablespoon

On the 10th day, mixed the above ingredients and drink it between 5- 7am on an empty stomach.

排膽石 Gallstones flush 6 days(6天療程)

Start drinking 1 liter/1 kg of organic apple juice from the 5th day till the 10th day.

第十天 10th day請注意:
Note‧在下午4點前喝完最後一杯蘋果汁。Drink your last apple juice before 4pm.
‧5pm:晚餐 Dinner
‧6pm:喝一杯溫開水+一茶匙瀉鹽 Drink 1 glass of warm water + 1 teaspoon of Epsom salts
‧8pm:喝一杯溫開水+一茶匙瀉鹽Drink 1 glass of warm water + 1 teaspoon of Epsom salts.
‧10pm:喝半杯(100ml)檸檬汁+半杯(100ml)橄欖油 Drink half glass(100ml) lemon juice+ 100ml olive oil. You may mix with Organic Lemonade juice for better taste.
‧上床睡覺(向著右側)Try to sleep on your right side after your drink.
第十天半夜或第十一天早上 Middle of the night till next morning.
‧排便。Flushing begins.
‧排便時用篩子裝起糞便,然後用水沖掉糞便。若有膽石排出,就可以看見一顆顆的固體留在篩子裡。You may sieve or use chopsticks after flushing each time, and may find green/black stones.

排毒配合健康養生輕食餐 Detox diet programme

It advisable to follow through the programme with proper diet.

Throughout this programme, try to eliminate coffee/alcohol/cigarettes/white bread/confectionary/red meat and fried foods.

起床時魚腥草茶300-500ml Drink 300-500ml houttuynia tea once awake

早餐 breakfast
薏仁綠豆燕麥粥 Rolled oats+ jobs tears+ mung bean porridge
2.兩顆深海魚油 2 cap x Omega 3/兩湯匙亞麻子油 2 tablespoons Flax seed Oil
3.生食蕃茄、黃瓜 eat some raw cucumber and tomantoes

早上10點 10am 魚腥草茶 drink another 300ml houttuynia tea

午餐 lunch

2.香椿豆腐 tofu with vegemix sauce
3.雜錦菜 lightly steamed green vege
4.涼拌三色泡菜/開胃裙帶菜 cabbage pickle/organic sauerkraut juice/ lactovida (probiotic juice)

下午3-4點 魚腥草茶∕水果 Tea time . houttuynia tea 300ml/1 ripe fruit

晚餐 dinner

養生手卷 seaweed vege rolls∕精力湯 mixed vege &fruit juice∕沙拉 salad / Flaxseed meal or fiber unflavoured 1 teaspoon with 150ml water

晚上8點 8pm fruit platter 水果拼盤

睡覺前 ALFAFA tablet 5粒 take with魚腥草茶houttuynia tea

Natural makeup and facial products

Paul Penders are actually made in Langkawi island Malaysia but sold to worldwide!

Great range from New Zealand

For my advertising and marketing research for Yuan soap, I was drawn to a few forums and whimsical sites which holds beauty and fashion commentaries. Eventually I became a member of, and suscribe to the feeds for The latter caught my attention more as the writer "Paris B" writing is effortlessly easy to follow and her reviews are genuinely expressed even with sponsored reviews.
However from reading blogs, and forums I found the topic that most people avoid or leave no comments are those concerning environment and natural products in Malaysia. For those who are interested in natural and organic cosmetics and facial products available in Malaysia, you can check out
1. Paul Penders (great range of makeups and facial products, price wise I think RM50 for a natural lipstick is not that much, don't you think?)

2. Living Nature by Justlife
3. Alive
4. Avalon Organics
5. Reborn Organics

Most of these range can be found i most organic shops though some shops only carry one or two brands only. I myself only carry a bit of the Alive and some Reborn organics range.
Probably, I will review some of the products. Will let you guys know soon.