Look at the left side, don't let the plain boring cabbage look fool you, its crunchy and sweet. When I ate it with the pumpkin cubes below, imagine putting some nice soft mushy salty pumpkin with crunchy vegetables. Oh my, my mouth go watery again...

Organically grown produce does make a difference!

The thing that make everything go ooh ahh! And the rice today....absolutely lovely!
After a few weeks of stuffing myself with unhealthy food, I feel I have a subconscious mind that ensure that I go healthy for some time then I would gorge myself with ice creams, pies, cakes, lots of coffee etc. Then a mere comment of me gaining weight would put a stop to those routine.
Ok, my aunt's cooking today totally floored me. Her luicha vegetables are fantastic and paired with pumpkin cubes with black beans and then I sprinkled some mixed seaweedvegetables powder (for those who been to camp with me, remember I brought those bottles of powder which turned everything from ooohh to aaahhhh!) the result was heavenly, I was and still am spiritually satisfied, my body must be grateful I gave them something worthwhile to work on.
Not only I have to been good, I have obediently crunching my multivitamins and b complex (low blood count). Not that I feel better, less depressed and am reading up my unfinished Jane Austen's book from eon months.

Finally, taking more effort in brushing up my literary knowlegde..
Ok, my aunt's cooking today totally floored me. Her luicha vegetables are fantastic and paired with pumpkin cubes with black beans and then I sprinkled some mixed seaweedvegetables powder (for those who been to camp with me, remember I brought those bottles of powder which turned everything from ooohh to aaahhhh!) the result was heavenly, I was and still am spiritually satisfied, my body must be grateful I gave them something worthwhile to work on.
Not only I have to been good, I have obediently crunching my multivitamins and b complex (low blood count). Not that I feel better, less depressed and am reading up my unfinished Jane Austen's book from eon months.

Finally, taking more effort in brushing up my literary knowlegde..
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