My earliest memories of these buns go back to when I was in early secondary school...probably much earlier, mum was experiencing with different ingredients to produce whole wheat buns without self raising flour, butter/margarine, & shortening.
Buns are then distributed and sold to temples, little stalls in market and whoever who wants to place order.
I hardly eat these buns anymore, so two days ago when I have to pick these buns from aunt, I took a bite of a fresh one, pungent and sweet citrus taste from the first bite. Make me relish the times when our freezer was jammed with these buns and these were daily breakfast staple or any gathering dessert.
These buns are the buns that launched other buns such as our red bean paste, pumpkin paste, vege char siew, chickpeas paste, black bean paste etc.

Ingredients include: Orange peels, sweet potatoes, whole wheat flour, sunflower oil, black sesame seeds& goji berries. (Steam and spread generously with omega oil spread, delicious!!)