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Monday, May 5, 2008


The controversy about the cost of healthy and organic foods is on-going. To all people who say they can't afford to eat a healthy organic diet, Patrick Holford who founded Institute of Optimum Nutrition has this response: "We are spending a fraction of the percentage of our income that we used to spend on food back in the 1930s and 40s. We've just got our priorities wrong. On the whole good food is cheaper things like lentils, beans and grains are not expensive foods. I totally 100% support organic because it's simply the food we're evolved to eat and I think there should be no compromise on that at all.

"One of the big issues is that food is grown for profit not for nutrition and so farmers are motivated to grow the biggest carrots in the smallest amounts of time, rather than the healthiest carrots. But if you artificially force the growth of the carrot, what you end up with is a carrot full of a lot of more water, so there's actually less 'carrot' in your 'carrot' for your money. Generally speaking, non organic produce is about 25% less dry weight, So if the price is differential 25%, you're actually still getting the same amount of carrot and then of course the nutrient content is higher," derived from OrganicLife(UK), January 2008 issue.